Would you like to begin a blog? Assuming so – you’re in the perfect spot.

In this post I will walk you through the essentials of how to begin a blog to make money online from home, and keeping in mind that I do, I need to answer a portion of the quintessential inquiries that numerous pre-bloggers need a reply to get their first blog fully operational and income generator.

There are numerous unavoidable reasons to begin a career as a blogger, yet the biggest challenge that every single aspiring blogger faces (counting me in 2009) is: how to begin a blog?

5 Easy yet Basic Steps

There are a couple of simple steps that one should follow to begin a career in blogging:

Pick your blogging platform
Choose a domain name and get hosting
Jot down your blog
Design the layout of your blog
Begin creating valuable content that serves the target readers

I’ll walk you through how I’d approach each progression in the forthcoming paragraphs on how I somehow managed to begin a blog and would recommend the steps that will be useful on other significant inquiries like looking for a niche, collecting data of number of readers for your blog, building network with your blog, and considering how to profit from it, and so on.

I hope that this well-managed blog will assist you in starting your first blog.

Stage 1: Choose a Blogging Platform

To begin a blog you’ll have to choose a blogging platform – or a tool that drive readers to read your blog and the content on the internet.

There are multiferous blogging platforms that are accessible, however, one should make a clear and straightforward decision on what type of platform suits the type of content that you want to share. WordPress.org is one of the best websites that provides liberty to the blogger to write and share on other social media platforms. For this reason, I will recommend you to start your blogging career from here.

WordPress is by a long shot the most well-known blogging platform for the following reasons –

It is free to access
It is not difficult to set up
It is an old platform and is popular worldwide
It has dedicated designers and developers who will assist you with customizing your blog for making it more readable.

Stage 2: Secure a Domain Name to Set Your Blog Hosting

Pick a Domain

For the subsequent step of beginning your blog, you’ll require a space name (your blog’s location) with the goal that you have a home for your blog on the web. Each blog needs its very own space, so it tends to be actually quite difficult to discover one that isn’t taken!

For this article I simply need to discuss how to actually get your space – however, there are a couple of different factors to consider including:

The Human point of view – the meaningfulness of your domain, ease to recall, and so on.
The Brand viewpoint – uniqueness, what the domain says about you
The SEO point of view – picking an area with a trending keyword can enable your site to rank higher in Google
The legal point of view – copyright and trademark factors

We recommend each of the four things to consider when Choosing Your Domain Name.

Depending upon where you get your domain and which domain you pick, a domain is definitely not a super-costly thing to verify – yet it will cost you, at any rate, a couple of dollars a year.

Stage 3: Set Up Your Blog

After purchasing a domain name to share your blogs on, you have to install WordPress which does not require any technical, but can be done by a layman as well, only if all the steps are being followed carefully as it is facile to install it.

Stage 4: Configure and Design Your Blog

Once you have installed a WordPress on your domain, try not to stress – you’ll lift this up in a matter of seconds and simply need a decent stroll through!

Designing your blog.

Fortunately, the domain hosts have assembled an extraordinary arrangement of instructional exercises that will assist you with getting to be utilized to WordPress and furthermore setting things up to make your blog look and work perfectly.

Stage 5: Start writing useful content to engage your readers

Alright – ideally at this point, you have your domain, hosting, have installed WordPress to your website and a theme for your website. You have begun a blog… yet you’re not a blogger until you create something that is informative and detailed.

I can not suggest you what to write for your first blog as everyone has one’s own interest and would like to compose something accordingly.