Freelance Writing is one of the most prevalent approaches to earn money online, and it gives you the opportunity to work from home (or anyplace), set your very own working hours, and manage everything by yourself. 

It doesn’t require a qualification or broad experience; organizations/bloggers will approach you only if you have the quality to do a thing, that is, write expressively. 

This isn’t for everybody, except you cherish composing with an enthusiasm and have great skill to compose your words and thoughts in an engaging manner. If yes, you should take it as a wonderful career opportunity.

I would like to share a conversation with one of the most successful Freelancer,           , who left her job, just to pursue her career as a freelance writer as writing was her passion. Let’s know more about her in a small conversation with her which I had jotted below:

How you began your career as a Freelance Writer? 

I began as a freelance writer after I shared my experience of the destination wedding of my friend in 2011, for which I received ample responses. I was happy that people could co-relate their experiences with mine and they were sharing it in the comment section. It was then, that I decided to start writing.

With time I learned that Freelance writing job earns a better hourly rate than what I was earning from my regular job. I started my career as a Freelance Writer in the evenings and during my week off’s along with my job as an associate with a travel company.

I didn’t have any expert level experience when I began, however, I have had an enthusiasm for writing. Luckily, I polished my skills with time. I have reliably improved my abilities with the passing of years, resulted in better jobs and higher payouts.

What amount do you earn as a Freelance Writer? 

I relinquished my profession to pursue my career as a full-time writer in 2013. Initially, by freelancing I earned around $50,000 that year despite the fact that I just started working as a full-time writer for part of the year. 

I have earned more than six figures every subsequent year. In 2016 and 2017 I started earning $220,000 approximately every year. I am pretty much sure that I will end up earning similar to the figure even this year, maybe somewhat more even.

How long do you work on the weekdays and how do you plan your work time with children? 

It had hardly occurred ever that I had worked continuously for forty hours in a week or so. However, I do dedicate my time to my work and this usually happens when my children go to class from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We travel occasionally so I sometimes work on weekends and even on nights to balance my vacation time with my work. 

As far as it comes to spend time with my children, it’s simpler to put up my time with them. If sometimes, I need to work and they are home, I simply indulge them in some productive tasks like reading or play games. 

It is uncommon that I am much occupied to look after my children while I work. My earning has become much significant, that my husband left his tedious job and stays at home full-time to take care of the household chores.

How do you find jobs? 

I used to pitch the clients by sharing my portfolios and reviews from previous work through online platforms. And at present, I have a list of clients for whom I work on a continuous basis along with this, I get work through referrals also. 

There is a huge amount of work to do if you have strong composition and understanding abilities, hard-working attitude and writing skills.

What guidance would you provide for individuals who are planning to start their career as a Freelance Writing? 

Figure out ways to sample out your writing online else, it’s hard for individuals to hire you when you don’t have any portfolio of your writing to present as a sample.

Do you think Freelance Writing is a perfect idea to opt as a career option for homemakers? 

I think freelance writing *could* be the perfect job for housewives or for those who are looking forward to being their own boss since they can work at home and work the number of hours they feel would be ok.

All things considered, I figured out that freelance writer is a great career opportunity, not only for mothers but for every individual also who finds that writing is his/her passion and can earn money online while working part-time or on regular basis.