Introduction to Privacy Policy:

The privacy notice on shed light on the information regarding how we collect and process the data provided by you whilst using our website, which will include any data you give through our site when you explore our website, use the subscribe now button or participate in any competition or prize draw.

By the information provided to us by you, you are ensuring that you are above the age of 13.
If by any chance, you are not satisfied with any aspect of how we collect and utilize your information, you reserve the privilege to write to us on our mailing address We would appreciate your effort in getting in touch with us to address your grievance. We will try to resolve the issue at the earliest.
It is significant that the data we hold about you is up-to-date and accurate. In case there is any alteration or change in the information provided, please update it with us in writing by sending the previous as well as the new data on our email address
Data we collect from You and about You

Any personal information or data equipped for recognizing you as an individual. It does exclude anonymised information. We may process specific and personalized information about you as follows:
Personal data may incorporate your first name, maiden name, last name, username, marital status, title, date of birth and sex.
Contact Data may incorporate your mailing address, delivery address, email address and phone numbers.
Financial Data may incorporate your financial balance and installment card information.
Financial Transaction Data may incorporate insights regarding payments and different details.
Technical Data may incorporate your login information, web convention addresses, program type and form, program module types and forms, time zone setting and area, working framework and stage and other innovation on the gadgets you use to get to this website.
Profile Data may incorporate your username and password, your interests, inclinations, feedback or testimonies and survey responses. Utilization Data may incorporate data about how you utilize our website.

Promoting and Communications Data may incorporate your inclinations in getting advertising correspondences from us and our outsiders and your correspondence inclinations.

Accumulated Data from your own information doesn’t uncover your identity and share your information anonymously. We review your Data Usage to check what kind of information does an individual look for on our website.

Sensitive Data
We don’t ask for any Sensitive Data about you. In Sensitive Data we include information that incorporates insights concerning your race or ethnicity, philosophical or religious beliefs, sexual orientation, sex life, political opinions, data about your genetic, health and biometric. We don’t gather any data about criminal offenses.
Where we are required to gather individual information by law, or by following Terms and Conditions agreement between us and you don’t give us that information afterwards, we will most likely be unable to carry out the contract. If don’t give us the mentioned and required information, we may have to cancel all the services requested.
We gather information about you through a wide range of methods including:
Direct Interaction: You may give information by filling up Subscribing Form on our website or by interacting with us via email including when you:
create an account on our site;
request information or advertise with us;
participate in a competition, survey or promotional activity; or give us feedback.
Automated interactions: As you utilize our site, we may automatically collect Technical Data about your hardware, perusing activities and use designs. We gather this information by cookies, server logs and technical advancements. We may likewise get Technical Data about you if you visit various websites using our cookies.
Third parties sources: We may get personal information about you from different open sources described as below.
Financial and Transaction Data from suppliers, google analytics. Exposures OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA We may need to share your information to the organizations or companies written beneath for various reasons: Various organizations who give IT organization and system administrators.
Professionals including attorneys, financiers, auditors who give consultancy, banking, legal protection and accounting services. HM Revenue and Customs, regulators and different experts locally situated who require reporting of handling exercises in specific conditions. Third parties to whom we sell, the services of our business. We require the Third Parties to whom we give your information to should secure your information and treat it as per the law.

We have set up assured security measures to keep your information from being incidentally lost, utilized or accessed, modified or revealed by any unapproved way. Furthermore, we limit access to your information to workers, operators, contractual workers and other outsiders who have a need to know such information. They will just process your own information on our directions and they are dependent upon an obligation of classification.
We have set up methodology to manage with any suspected operations by any individual that may breach your information and will inform you in such situation.
RETENTION of DATA: We will just hold your own information for whatever length of time that satisfies the reasons we gathered it for, including for the motivations behind fulfilling any legal, book-keeping, or prerequisites for reporting. To decide the suitable retention period for individual information, we consider the nature, amount, and sensibility of the data collected from an individual, the potential risk of damage from unapproved sources, the reasons for which we process your own information and whether we can accomplish those reasons through different methods, and the appropriate legal prerequisites
By law we need to keep basic data about our clients (like Contact detail, Identity, Financial and Transaction Data) for a long time.
In certain conditions you can request that we erase your information by mailing us at
In certain conditions we may anonymise your information (so it can never again be related with you) for research or factual purposes in which case we may utilize this data uncertainty moving along without any more notice to you.
In certain situations, you have the right to protect your information. These include:
Request access to your own information.
Request redress of your own information.
Request removal of your own information.
Request against process of your own information.
Request restriction on preparing your own information.
Request transfer your own information.
Right to withdraw your information.